Additional Services offers these additional services.

Web Design, Development, and Hosting

Microsoft .NET logo

Web applications allow users to control what information they want to see, or allow you to control what information you allow your users to access. They are often database driven, using Sql Server, MS Access, or MySql. Perfect for gathering data from any computer or handheld (e.g. Blackberry or iPhone). Easily manage all your customer data, and allow customers to view and update their records, securely. See our Solutions page for examples.

When most people think of web design, they think of the graphics, layout, and font choices used. These are important, but you also need compelling content, and to guide users to the products and services you offer. Users need a reason to choose your site over your competitors, and they need to find you via search engines. The sales and checkout process needs to be straightforward, convenient, secure, and easy. Our designers accomplish all these goals.

Or maybe your need is to simply make information available to your customer. Update your information quickly and easily on the desktop, then transfer it to your online database. We'll set up systems to allow you to see which information is requested the most, so you know what your customers are looking for.

Our Solutions page has examples of many sites we've created that address all these issues.


We have extensive database experience using MySql and Microsoft SQL Server. If your database needs are limited to your internal network or internal users, MS Access allows lower costs and more features, but MySql and Microsoft SQL Server are excellent for web-based applications.

MS Sql Server logo Mysql logo

Depending on your needs, we can develop .Net online applications using Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Access, desktop applications in MS Access, or online applications using MySql. Access all your data through a web browser, or we can combine both approaches, with Microsoft Access as the front end and Microsoft SQL Server or MySql as the back end. We create robust, user-friendly applications that allow easy data entry, easy search, and custom reports.

Own Your Own Online Store!

NO Monthly Fees! Setup starting at $500.

We create your online store for you, and do not charge any ongoing monthly fees. Compare that with sites that charge $200 per month or more. You get a full-featured shopping experience at a fraction of the cost (you only have hosting and credit card processing fees). We'll even throw in the first year of hosting FREE.

We do the initial setup (including search engine submission) and can train you on how to run your store. We also provide customizations, including look and feel, custom features, and optionally product setup. All you have to do is ship your products (or have them drop-shipped), provide customer service, and track your sales.

See for more information about the extensive featuers we offer with our online stores.

Web Hosting

We host web sites, either using Microsoft Windows or Linux/Apache, with cPanel. We'll reserve your domain name, set up your site, handle security, and handle email addresses, scripts, or whatever else you need.

  • .NET with VB or C#
  • CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl
  • Frontpage, Curl, Streaming Audio/Video
  • Unlimited email accounts, SMTP, Web mail

Microsoft Office Automation

MS Office logo

You've been using Excel spreadsheets to store your data, but you know you spend too much time rearranging the data to generate reports and find the information you need. Maybe it is time to store the data in a database for easy input and/or convenient reports that allow you to filter by date, customer, product, or any field you choose. We can put your data on your office network so anyone can use and edit it, or restrict access to only those people you give permission to see or edit it. Do people need to access the data when in the field or out of town? We can make the information available through the internet, in real-time. Call us to let us solve all your data problems.

Maybe all you really need is a spreadsheet to track what you do, but those formulas are more complicated than you thought, or you just don't know how to setup the graphs to see the information in a way you can really use it. Maybe you need a custom macro to automate frequent tasks. Sure, you could take an Excel class and read a few books, but your time is valuable. Let someone who has worked with spreadsheets for over 20 years do the work for you. No job is too small.

You have the data you want in a spreadsheet or database, but you really need it in a Microsoft Word document. It is much too time consuming to transfer the data, then reformat it every time. We can set up a convenient transfer that preserves the formatting and automates your work. We can also help you to use the Microsoft Word features you know you need, but haven't figured out how to get working.

Business Analysis

You know what needs doing in your office, but you don't know whether to use a spreadsheet, a database, packaged software, or custom software. We've been through these decisions many, many times, and can guide you to the solution that both works for you today, and grows with your business for years to come. Your time and your employees' time is both expensive and valuable. Let us design a solution that meets all your needs and your customers' needs.

Have an idea for a business, but don't know where to start? You know customers will love your product, but you don't want to deal with all the logistics of accepting payments, fulfilling orders, handling returns, customer service, and accounting hassles. We'll design a complete software system for you that includes only what you need with minimum hassles, and let's you focus on product design and marketing.

Or, maybe you have a great product, but don't know how to do web marketing and sales. Let our experts set everything up for you at an affordable price!

Custom Software

You have some existing custom software, but it needs new features or needs some problems fixed. We can take care of all your software needs. C/C++, Pascal, Visual Basic, Javascript, PHP, and SQL. Database design and updates: SQL Server, MySql, and Microsoft Access.

All our Computers

Brad automated all our processes with a convenient and easy to use MS Access database. It has been incredibly reliable, and required minimal training, perfect for us since volunteers use it so often. -- Charles Stahler, The Vegetarian Resource Group